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Tallwood House / New Hampshire Home for Christian Scientists
Tallwood House

Tallwood House / New Hampshire Home for Christian Scientists
23 Rundlett Street, Concord, NH 03301
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Description: A home for independent-living Christian Scientists in beautiful, historic Concord, New Hampshire. Christian Science nursing assistance available, if needed. Tallwood House is owned and operated by New Hampshire Home for Christian Scientists, a non-profit 501(C)(3) entity.
Blessing Pages Marketplace: Sheltered Care | Employment

Twelveacres, Inc.
286 E. Hamilton, Ave. Suite F Campbell, CA 95008
Phone: 408-341-0400 | Fax: 408-341-0411
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Description: providing a community-based home environment and training that help our clients progress toward greater normalcy, including increasing independence, self-sufficiency, self-confidence, and awareness of the world around them and others in it. Twelveacres is the non-medical, drug-free model - the only community-based care provider of its kind worldwide, relying entirely on spiritual healing, based on the teachings of Christ Jesus as explained in Christian Science.
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